CMI Partners

CMI is a public/private partnership that brings together the best and brightest research minds from universities, national laboratories and the private sector to find innovative technology solutions that will help avoid a supply shortage that would threaten our clean energy industry as well as our security interests. 

CMI Team Members:

  • Industry: Advanced Magnet Lab, Inc., Alta Resource Technologies, Dexter Magnetics, DOGAMI, Exergy Systems, Fifty Seven 71 Rare Earth Consulting, Ingevity, JOC LLC, Momentum Technologies, New Jersey Mining, Niron Magnetics, OLI Systems, Phoenix Tailings, Powdermet, TdVib, Terves, Visionary Fiber Technologies and Western Digital Technologies. 
  • Universities: Arizona State University, Case Western Reserve University, Colorado School of Mines, FIPR Institute, Florida International University, Howard University, Iowa State University, Missouri S&T, North Carolina A&T University, Northern Arizona University, Oregon State University, Penn State, Purdue, Rutgers, University of Arizona, University of Houston-Downtown, University of Nevada Reno, University of Pittsburgh, The University of Texas at Arlington, and The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. 
  • National Laboratories: Ames National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory, National Renewable Energy Laboratory,  Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory

CMI Team Members have research subcontracts from CMI or are providing cost sharing funds. Requirements include specific research project deliverables within the entity's areas of expertise, based on a scope of work and a negotiated budget, including cost-share as applicable, as approved by the CMI Director. This level of participation is required to sign CMI's Member Agreement, which includes both a non-disclosure agreement and intellectual property management plan (IPMP).

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