CMI Webinars

CMI offers webinars about critical materials at no charge. Registration is required to obtain a link to view webinars at the time they are given, which usually is 1 p.m. central time (11 a.m. pacific, noon mountain time, and 2 p.m. eastern).  

The next CMI webinar is scheduled for November 12, Anthony Ku, Xiron Global, will present "Grand challenges in anticipating and responding to critical materials supply risks" link to registration

CMI has offered more than 95 webinars. Most were open to the public and recordings are available as links from this page. Recent webinars are uploaded to the CMI YouTube channel (link), which also has playlists to link to videos created by CMI partners. Please let us know your suggestions for CMI webinars, or other CMI Education and Workforce Development, with this form.

Recent webinars:

  • Guest speaker Frank Roberto, Newmont, presented the CMI Webinar "Lithium Ion Batteries: a New Opportunity for Circular Economy and Recycling (an update)" link to webinar

  • Presenters for "Applying PrOMMiS: Design and Performance Optimization of Membrane Systems for Co/Li Separation" are Tom Tarka from CMI Team member National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), with guest speaker Alexander Dowling, University of Notre Dame link to webinar 

  • Alexa Schmitz, CMI Affiliate REEgen, "Genetic strategies for commercializing rare earth biomanufacturing,"  link to webinar

  • Guest speaker Tae-Yoon Kim, International Energy Agency (IEA), "IEA Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024," link to webinar 

  • Guest speaker Magdi Azer, Chief Technology Officer, REMADE Institute, "Accelerating the Transition to a Circular Economy in a Resource-Constrained World," link to webinar

  • Jun Cui, Ames National Laboratory, "Hot Roll Nanocrystalline Anisotropic Neo Magnets" link to webinar

  • Andriy Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, "Cerium Gap Magnets (CGMs)," link to webinar 

  • Aaron Wilson, Idaho National Laboratory, "Mineral Recovery in the Blue Economy - CMI R&D 100 Winner EASE: Ether-based Aqueous Separations and Extractions," link to webinar 

  • Ruby Nguyen, Idaho National Laboratory, and Braeton Smith, Argonne National Laboratory. They described the 2023 Critical Materials Assessment, link to webinar 

  • Art DeGroat and Mark Niederhaus, CMI Affiliate Great Plains Partners, "Great Plains Partners Venture Group: A Primer in Technology Commercialization within Private Entities," link to webinar

  • Guest speakers Rita Valkovskaya, Gary Stanley, and Adrian Stover, U.S. Department of Commerce, "Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration, Industry & Analysis, Office of Critical Minerals and Metals – An Overview," link to webinar

  • Guest speakers Jeff Whalen, Lezlee Richerson and Jane Wadhams, "The National High Magnetic Field Lab Rare Earth Initiative Project," link to webinar.

  • CMI Project Lead Andriy Palasyuk, Ames National Laboratory, "Addressing the Gap Magnet Problem," link to webinar.

  • Guest speaker Lance Miller, NANA Regional Corporation, "ANCs @50+; Responsible mineral development and helping to solve the minerals crisis," link to webinar.

  • CMI guest speaker Terrence Mosley, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), "Driving Innovative Workforce and R&D Partnerships to Diversify Clean Energy Industries," link to webinar.

Machine learning:

  • Fei Zhou, CMI at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and Ming Tang, Rice University, "Machine learning for microstructure modeling: a data driven pathway," link to webinar
  • Marilu Perez Garcia, CMI at Ames Laboratory, "A new path forward: Using machine learning to design ligands with predetermined selectivity," link to webinar
  • Fei Zhou, CMI at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Machine Learning Techniques for Alloy Modeling," link to webinar

Technology Transfer/Partnering

  • Julienne Krennrich, Innovation Partnerships Program Director for CMI lead Team member Ames Laboratory, and guest speaker Ellen Coopersmith, President of Decision Frameworks, on "Strategic Opportunity Framing for Technology Commercialization," link to webinar
  • Bruce A. Moyer, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "The Role of Research in Technology Maturation: Perspectives from a Researcher, Technology Developer, and Research Portfolio Manager," link to webinar
  • Julienne Krennrich, CMI Team member Ames Laboratory, and Stacy Joiner, CMI at Ames Laboratory, "Working Models for Participation with CMI," link to webinar 
  • Craig Forney from CMI Team member Iowa State University and Stacy Joiner and Ikenna Nlebedim CMI at Ames Laboratory, "Resource Sustainability for Rare Earth Materials via Efficient Recycling Technology," link to webinar
  • Hans Smit of Ocean Minerals, a CMI Affiliate, "Ocean Minerals Overview" link to webinar
  • Zarko Meseldzija of American Managanese, a CMI Team member, "Advanced Lithium-ion Battery Material Recycling" link to webinar
  • Aaron Feaver, director of the Joint Center for Deployment and Research in Earth Abundant Materials (JCDREAM), a CMI Affiliate, discussed the progress and outlook for this new, first of its kind organization in Washington state. link to webinar
  • Miki Oljaca, guest speaker with Koura, discussed fluorine and lithium, which are critical elements in the production of battery electrolytes. link to webinar
  • James Litinsky and Michael Rosenthal, founders of MP Materials, a CMI Affiliate, update on the company link to webinar
  • Marty Weems, guest speaker from Western Rare Earths, discussed "Emerging Rare Earths Projects with Western Rare Earths" link to webinar


  • CMI guest speaker Aimee Boulanger from Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) presented "Responsible Sourcing of Renewable Energy: IRMA Mining Standards" link to webinar
  • Joshua Werner from CMI Affiliate University of Kentucky presented "An Overview of the University of Kentucky Strategic Materials and Recovery Technologies (SMaRT) Center," link to webinar
  • Guest speakers from Perpetua Resources McKinsey Lyon, VP of External Affairs, and Christopher Dail, CPG-10596, Exploration Manager, presented "Stibnite, Idaho: An Example of a Historic Critical Materials Brownfield Site; Its Renewal; and Its Potential to Help Fuel the Green Energy Revolution," link to webinar
  • CMI guest speaker Massimiliano "Max" Delferro, Argonne National Laboratory, presented "Circular Approaches toward the Chemical Upcycling of Polymers," link to webinar
  • CMI partner Linda Wang, Purdue University, "Chromatography Methods for the Recovery and Purification of Rare Earth Elements from Waste Magnets and Mineral Ores," link to webinar
  • CMI partner Kevin Anderson, Brunswick Corporation - Mercury Marine, presented "Industrial Perspectives on Secondary (Recycled) Aluminum," link to webinar
  • Dan Park, CMI researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, presented "Bridging Hydrometallurgy and Biochemistry: A Protein-based Process for Recovery and Separation of Rare Earth Elements," link to webinar
  • Yongqin Jiao, CMI at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Development of a Biosorption Process for Recovery of Rare Earth Metals," link to webinar 
  • David Reed, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, "Biorecovery of Critical Materials: Sustainable Solutions for the 21st Century," link to webinar
  • Alessandra Hool, guest speaker with ESM Foundation, "Critical Raw Materials: Current Challenges in Europe and Beyond," link to webinar
  • Linda Gaines, guest speaker with Argonne National Laboratory, "Lithium Ion Battery Recycling Research at the ReCell Center," link to webinar
  • Gwendolyn Bailey, guest speaker with KU Leuven, "Toward a Rare Earth Industry Environmental Footprint," link to webinar
  • Luis Diaz, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, "Recycling of Critical Elements from Lithium Ion Batteries," link to webinar
  • Bill Olson guest speaker at ASM, Carol Handwerker CMI at Purdue University and Joanne Larson at Seagate, a CMI Affiliate, "Creating a Circular Economy for Hard Disk Drives," link to webinar 
  • Tedd Lister, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, "Electrochemical Recovery Constituents of Value (E-RECOV), Development and Future," link to webinar
  • Tim McIntyre, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Rare Earth Magnet Recovery and Reuse from Computer Hard Disk Drives (HDDs)," link to webinar
  • Jeremy Rickli, CMI at Wayne State University, "Advanced Automated Electric Machine Dismantling with Collaborative Robotics." link to webinar
  • Yongquin Jiao and Dan Park, CMI at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "The Use of Bioengineered Microbes for Rare Earth Extraction," link to webinar
  • David Reed, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, "Recycling of Rare Earth Elements: A Microbiological Approach," link to webinar
  • Carol Handwerker, CMI at Purdue University, and William Olson, Seagate Technologies, a CMI Affiliate, "Creating a Circular Economy for Hard Disk Drives: A Shared Vision," link to webinar


  • Peter Afiuny, guest speaker from Urban Mining Company, neodymium magnets at the heart of electrification link to webinar
  • Vladimir Antropov, CMI at Ames Laboratory, "Multiscale Modeling and Prediction of New Magnets, or How a Combination of Classical and Quantum Physics Can Help Us," link to webinar
  • Scott McCall, CMI at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, "Exchange Spring Magnets: An Approach to Higher Energy Density Magnets," link to webinar
  • John Ormerod, Magnet Applications, Inc., "Rare Earth Magnets: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," link to webinar
  • Durga Paudyal, CMI at Ames Laboratory, "Prediction of Reduced Rare Earth Permanent Magnets from Theory and Computation," link to webinar
  • David S. Parker, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "New High-Performance Magnets: What Can Theory Tell Us?" link to webinar


  • CMI guest speakers Kent Sorenson and Dayal Saran from Allonnia on "REE Purification Using Engineered Proteins," link to webinar
  • Patrick Zhang of CMI Team member FIPR Institute, Florida Polytechnic University, presented "Rare Earths in Phosphate: Occurrence, Significance and Opportunities for Recovery," link to webinar
  • Zachary Sims, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Recent Advances in Aluminum-Cerium Alloys," link to webinar
  • Sheng Dai, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Rare Earth Electrodeposition: Novel Room-Temperature Ionic Liquid Systems," link to webinar 
  • M. Parans Paranthaman, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, “Lithium Extraction from Geothermal Brine Solution,” link to webinar 
  • Theresa Windus, CMI at Ames Laboratory, and guest speaker Benjamin Hay, "Computational Tools for Molecular Design," link to webinar
  • Bruce Moyer, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Challenges in Diversifying Supply of Critical Materials," link to webinar
  • Patrick Zhang, CMI at Florida Industrial and Phosphate Research Institute, "Critical Elements in Phosphate Ore: Recovery of Rare Earths and Uranium from Florida Phosphate Ore Processing," link to webinar

Crosscutting Research

  • John Sutherland, CMI at Purdue University, discussed "Design of Experiments: Fractional Factorial Designs," link to webinar
  • CMI guest speaker Michael Young, Bureau of Economic Geology, Jackson School of Geosciences, UT Austin, "Comprehensive life-cycle analysis of electricity generation technologies," link to webinar
  • CMI webinar series focused on optimizing the economic performance of CMI technologies.
    • Fu Zhao, CMI at Purdue University, “Introduction to Life Cycle Analysis (LCA)," link to webinar
    • Hongyue Jin, CMI at University of Arizona, and Sidi Deng, CMI at Purdue university, "A Tutorial for Techno-Economic Assessment (TEA)," link to webinar
    • John Sutherland, CMI at Purdue University, "Introduction to Design of Experiments (DOE)," link to webinar
  • John Collins, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, "Roadmapping the Path to Technical and Commercial Success," link to webinar
  • Yoshiko Fujita, CMI at Idaho National Laboratory, and Paul Kim, CMI at Rutgers, "Capabilities of Thermodynamic Analysis and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts," link to webinar
  • Jason Pries, guest speaker at CMI Team member Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Electric Motor Research at ORNL: A Material Perspective," link to webinar
  • John Sutherland, CMI at Purdue University, "Techno-Economic Analysis of Value Recovery Opportunities from End-of-Life Products," link to webinar
  • Ryan Ott, CMI at Ames Laboratory, "High-Throughput Material Science for Critical Materials Research," link to webinar
  • Parans Paranthaman, CMI at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, "Additive Manufacturing of NdFeB Magnets," link to webinar
  • George Guthrie, guest speaker from Los Alamos National Laboratory, "The Intersection between a CO2 Economy and Critical Materials: Los Alamos's R&D Portfolio in Critical Materials," link to webinar