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CMI research drawing international attention

CMI researchers from the Ames National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Colorado School of Mines conducted the activity for this highlight

Ambassador Djuric (Republic of Serbia) visited Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to learn about U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories. During a working lunch, Scott McCall presented an overview of CMI’s efforts in environmentally sustainable lithium extraction.

Significance and Impact
Serbia is interested in producing lithium, a metal vital to high performance batteries, from Jadarite. The deposit is in the Jadar River Valley, an environmentally sensitive part of the country.  The lithium present may represent 11% of global supply and if mined sustainably could be a major driver in global adoption of EV technology. 

Hub Target Addressed 
Develop a framework for holistically assessing economic, environmental, and social impacts of critical materials technology.

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His Excellency Mr. Marko Djuric, the Serbian Ambassador to the United States (front and center) visited LLNL on November 13th 2023 to learn about the US national laboratory system with special interest in CMI work presented by Scott McCall (back,  right side). CMI was further represented by Emily Moore (front, second from right) and CMI alumna Yongqin Jiao (not shown)