Sustainable synthesis of Sm2Fe17N3 magnet powder

Process flow diagram for SmFeN powder
Process flow diagram for SmFeN powder

CMI at Ames National Laboratory, University of Arizona, National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Powdermet  conducted the activity for this highlight

Developed a novel top-down synthesis of Sm2Fe17N3 magnet powder and assessed cost-effectiveness and environmental sustainability. 


  • The synthesized Sm2Fe17N3 powder shows promising magnetic properties with Tc=470°C, Hc=13.5 kOe, and BHmax=19.4 MGOe.
  • Estimated cost is $28/kg of Sm2Fe17N3 powder, and the projected sales price is $135/kg, demonstrating a high profit margin potential.
  • Significant reduction in environmental impacts compared to Sm-Co and Nd-Fe-B magnets by eliminating the use of Co, Nd, Pr, and Dy.

Significance and Impact

  • Identified a sustainable pathway for producing Sm2Fe17N3 magnet powder.
  • Next step is to optimize and scale-up the magnet production. 

Hub Target Addressed 
Accelerated magnet discovery and maturation.

Bar graph shows contribution analysis in life cycle impact assessment for producing 1 kg of Sm2Fe17N3 powder
Contribution analysis in life cycle impact assessment for producing 1 kg of Sm2Fe17N3 powder