Low-cost graphitization extended to biomass carbon

Low-temperature electrochemical graphitization of coconut waste-derived carbon into high-quality flake graphite suitable for EV applications.
Low-temperature electrochemical graphitization of coconut waste-derived carbon into high-quality flake graphite suitable for EV applications.

CMI researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight

Graphitization of biomass-derived carbon with specific capacity  of ~200 mAh g–1 for 1000 cycles at fast charging conditions (5 C rate, ~12 min. charge/discharge) has been achieved.

Significance and Impact

  • The electrochemical performance comparison shows that as-synthesized graphite delivers capacity greater than 5 times that of commercial graphite (~25–40 mAh g–1).
  • Lower cost, high capacity of as-synthesized graphite could lower the cost of high energy density batteries to realize affordable electric vehicles.

Details and next steps
Working to improve the first cyclic coulombic efficiency by varying the graphitization parameters and surface treatment after graphitization.