Graduate Research Assistant at University of Arizona
CMI researchers from the University of Arizona conducted the activity for this highlight.
Nighat Afroz Chowdhury, a CMI graduate researcher at the University of Arizona, successfully defended her PhD dissertation in November 2023. She will transition to a Postdoctoral Analyst at Argonne National Laboratory, to continue her research on sustainable recycling of critical materials for clean energy applications.
- Conducted techno-economic analysis, life cycle assessment, and design of experiments to support commercially viable and environmentally sustainable technology development.
- Co-authored three papers and one book chapter supported by CMI.
- Awarded 2023 Outstanding Graduate Student in Systems & Industrial Engineering at U Arizona.
Significance and Impact
- Identify process bottlenecks and improvement opportunities in early-stage technology development.
- Assess sustainability and model robustness under dynamic market conditions.
Hub Target Addressed
Providing the leaders, technical experts and skilled professionals needed by U.S. industry to assure its supply chains.