Yttrium exposure impacts bacterial gene expression

CMI researchers from Colorado School of Mines and Idaho National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight.

Experiments with model nitrifier Nitrosomonas europaea had indicated inhibition by 50 ppm yttrium; we examined the whole transcriptome response.


  • 282 differentially expressed genes compared to the no Y control were identified.
  • Up-regulated genes included lipopolysaccharide synthesis proteins (implicated in antibiotic resistance) and down-regulated genes included metalloproteins.

Significance and Impact
Identification of impacted proteins provides insight into mechanisms for observed inhibition as well as potential latent effects on ecosystem functions.

Hub Target Addressed 
Supporting environmentally sustainable critical material processing.

scatter plot: Changes to N. europaea gene expression after 72 hours of exposure to 50 ppm Y.  Each point represents a single gene, with negative Y axis values indicating genes down-regulated relative to the no REE control, and positive Y axis values indicating up-regulation relative to the control.
Changes to N. europaea gene expression after 72 hours of exposure to 50 ppm Y.  Each point represents a single gene, with negative Y axis values indicating genes down-regulated relative to the no REE control, and positive Y axis values indicating up-regulation relative to the control.


  • Lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis
  • Amino acid biosynthesis
  • ABC Transporters


  • Ammonium oxidation
  • Transposons
  • Many metalloproteins
  • Unknown functions