Workforce development within critical materials supply research

Within Focus Area 1 (Enhancing and Diversifying Supply) project leaders are  training a diverse group of scientists and engineers who will have the skills  needed to develop technology and identify opportunities to increase the domestic supply  of critical materials. Workforce development is occurring across the spectrum of education  levels from undergraduate student design teams and technicians to graduate students pursuing  M.S. and Ph.D. degrees to post doctoral fellows at national laboratories.
Within Focus Area 1 (Enhancing and Diversifying Supply) project leaders are training a diverse group of scientists and engineers who will have the skills needed to develop technology and identify opportunities to increase the domestic supply of critical materials. Workforce development is occurring across the spectrum of education levels from undergraduate student design teams and technicians to graduate students pursuing M.S. and Ph.D. degrees to post doctoral fellows at national laboratories. 

CMI researchers from Ames National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Colorado School of Mines, and Missouri S&T, as well as from the University of Louisville, conducted the activity for this highlight

Hub target addressed
Training the critical materials workforce of the future