Sampling campaigns with Mosaic’s help 

Unlock the characteristics of phosphogypsum (PG)

Sampling campaigns with Mosaic’s help 
Sampling campaigns with Mosaic’s help 

CMI researchers from FIPR Institute, Florida Polytechnic University, Rutgers University, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National  Laboratory and Florida International University conducted the activity for this highlight.


  • REE recovery integrated with mass production of alternate fertilizers and cement ingredients with CO2 sequestration
  • Low-carbon production of cement and concrete
  • Smart application of physical separation methods


  • Characterized 30+ core samples from a PG stack and two barres of PG samples from different plants
  • Discovered that about 40% REE and 55% Ra-226 concentrated in ≤25-micron fraction and the 500x145 micron fraction containing low Ra-226 nearly meeting regulation limit

Significance and Impact

  • Discovering new opportunities for recovery of the REE from phosphate mining waste including removing Ra and purifying PG
  • Reducing costs for recovering critical elements

Hub Target Addressed 
Diversify and expand the supply of materials in the appropriate quantities needed for the clean energy transition  

Size distribution of main components in PG 
Size distribution of main components in PG