CMI researchers from Ames National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight
Identified and prepared promising rare earth-free, non-critical metal eutectics to serve as low-temperature sintering aids and grain-boundary phases for Fe16N2 and Sm2Fe17N3.
Suitable non-magnetic metal eutectics with melting points below the NPPMs’ decomposition temperatures, but higher than projected operating temperatures, have been prepared for Fe16N2 and Sm2Fe17N3.
Significance and Impact
- An appropriate eutectic compound will enable a scalable process that allows for uniform densification of the NPPMs with superior density to bonded magnets for high saturation magnetization while optimizing the grain boundaries to achieve near theoretical coercivity.
- Next step is to investigate reactivity and wettability of metal eutectics with magnetic phases and impact to magnetic properties as powders.
Hub Target Addressed
Accelerated magnet discovery and maturation.