EC-Leach enhanced: kinetics, novel reactor design, and modeling

Effect of novel reactor configuration on processing time. Novel reactor reduces processing time over 85% by increasing the reaction rate (current density)
Effect of novel reactor configuration on processing time. Novel reactor reduces processing time over 85% by increasing the reaction rate (current density)

CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight

A combination of kinetic analysis, process modeling, and reactor re-engineering led to significantly faster leaching, decreasing EC-Leach capital costs to below traditional hydrometallurgical leaching.

Redesign of the electrochemical cell for LIB metals extraction from black mass allowed an 85% reduction in processing time, drastically reducing capital costs while maintaining advantages in chemical and energy consumption. A model was developed to predict processing times and current profiles, enabling scale-up design.

Significance and Impact

  • Advances commercialization potential for EC-Leach.
  • Demonstrates novel configuration of slurry electrolysis that can be applied to processing of other solid substrates.

Hub Target Addressed 

  • Energy and material efficient hydrometallurgical processing.
  • Minimizing hazardous chemical use and waste generation.
Effect of novel  parallel baffled electrode (PBE) in capital and operational costs compared to traditional hydrometallurgical processes
Effect of novel  parallel baffled electrode (PBE) in capital and operational costs compared to traditional hydrometallurgical processes