Lanmodulin enables single stage separation of dysprosium

A single LanM column loading enables Dy separation from Nd/Pr starting from a mixed REO derived from an end-of-life Chevy Volt motor. Separation was achieved using a pH-mediated elution process that leverages LanM’s high selectivity for Nd over Dy.
A single LanM column loading enables Dy separation from Nd/Pr starting from a mixed REO derived from an end-of-life Chevy Volt motor. Separation was achieved using a pH-mediated elution process that leverages LanM’s high selectivity for Nd over Dy.

CMI researchers from Ames National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight

Lanmodulin (LanM) column enables Dy separation from a mixed rare earth oxide (mREO) prepared from an end-of-life Chevy Volt motor using CMI-developed Acid-free Dissolution Recycling (ADR) process.

Starting with a mREO with 24.1% Dy and 75.9% NdPr, a single LanM sorption/desorption cycle generated a Dy fraction (92% purity, 99.1% yield) and a NdPr fraction (99.5% purity, 95.6% yield).

Significance and Impact

  • Linking ADR and bio-based separation offers potential to minimize hazardous chemical use and waste generation.
  • Next Steps: Test Dy/Nd separation with size-reduced versions of LanM for higher REE binding capacity.

Hub Target Addressed 
Developing highly selective separation from complex sources. Met CMI Focus Area goal for separation of HREE and LREE derived from an EV motor magnet, where each fraction is recovered at >90% purity in one stage.