First NdFeB magnet fabricated using Nd metal from CWRU’s sustainable electrowinning process

Clockwise from top left: Electrowon and purified Nd; hysteresis loops of NdFeB magnet produced with commercial Nd, and of magnet employing CWRU-produced Nd.
Clockwise from top left: Electrowon and purified Nd; hysteresis loops of NdFeB magnet produced with commercial Nd, and of magnet employing CWRU-produced Nd. 

CMI researchers from Case Western Reserve University conducted the activity for this highlight

CMI researchers developed a novel chloride-based electrolysis process at Case Western Reserve University, and show that it can be used for sustainable, energy-efficient, domestic production of neodymium metal.

The electrowon Nd was shipped to Ames National Laboratory for induction melting and NdFeB magnet fabrication. The magnet energy product compares well with magnets employing commercial purity Nd. Further process optimization is ongoing.

Significance and Impact
First demonstration of NdFeB magnet with reduced greenhouse gases. Demonstrate viable integration into domestic supply chain.

Hub Goal Addressed
Decarbonized rare earth metals production.