CMI supports ScienceBound at Ames National Laboratory

CMI at Ames National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight

Critical Materials researchers and staff participated in Ames National Laboratory hosting 130 under-represented students and a dozen teachers from four school districts in Iowa.

Significance and Impact

  • 8th grade participants visited Ames National Laboratory to see five science demonstrations. These included one about CMI technology and two others related to magnetic materials.
  • Science Bound draws under-represented students in STEM from middle schools in Des Moines, Denison, Marshalltown and Osceola. 

Hub Goal Addressed

  • Inspiring the critical materials workforce of the future.
  • Providing the leaders technical experts and skilled professionals needed by U.S. industry to assure supply chains. 
image of scientist wearing a lab coat and three students
CMI Focus Area Deputy Lead Denis Prodius described the award-winning acid-free dissolution recycling process developed at Ames National Laboratory and licensed to TdVib of Boone, Iowa.