Theresa Windus appointed new chair of chemistry department Theresa Windus, a scientist at Ames National Laboratory and Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Iowa State University, was selected as the new chair of the chemistry department.
Technology Review: How new magnets could accelerate climate action Ames National Laboratory scientist Matt Kramer is an expert source on magnetism in this MIT Technology Review news story about Minnesota-based start-up Niron Magnetics,
Iowa State University: A better way to (re)harvest rare-earth metals At CMI Team member Iowa State University, a researcher works on a better way to re(harvest) rare earth metals
INL: Researchers with multiple R-and-D 100 Awards share their secrets CMI Team member Idaho National Laboratory story about INL researchers who have won multiple R&D 100 Awards includes several based on CMI research
Nature: Microbial miners take on rare-earth metals Nature story describes using microbes for rare earth separations, including CMI research with Team members Idaho National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Penn State.
Congratulations to 2024 Optica Fellow Jigang Wang Ames National Laboratory Scientist Jigang Wang was awarded a place in Optica's 2024 Fellows class.
CMI Hub project takes key step to process rare earth metals in US The Critical Materials Innovation Hub (CMI Hub), a US Department of Energy Innovation Hub led by the US Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory and supported by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies Office (AMMTO), reports it has worked with industry to take a key step in how to process rare earth metals in the United States.
iCoup Deputy Director featured in Chicago Tribune Massimiliano Delferro, deputy director of iCOUP and scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, was featured in an article published in the Chicago Tribune.
CMI name changes as DOE announces new framework for critical materials Going forward, the Critical Materials Institute will be known as the Critical Materials Innovation Hub