STEM Magazine From Trash to Treasure: Electronic waste is mined for rare earth elements STEM Magazine for educators features CMI research in "From Trash to Treasure: Electronic waste is mined for rare earth elements"
Quantum Sensors in Diamond Anvils Measure Performance Under Extreme Conditions Ames Lab researchers contribute to new findings on quantum sensors
Quantum Sensors in Diamond Anvils Measure Performance Under Extreme Conditions Ames Lab researchers contribute to new findings on quantum sensors
Ames Lab Director Adam Schwartz testifies on Capitol Hill Ames Lab Director Adam Schwartz appeared before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology on Dec. 10 to discuss the importance of critical materials.
Ames Laboratory collaborates on development of elastocaloric material An international research team led by the University of Maryland has developed a novel elastocaloric cooling material that is highly efficient, eco-friendly and easily scaled-up for commercial use. The researchers new cooling material is a nickel-titanium alloy that was sculpted using additive technology (3-D printing). Their work is published in the November 29 issue of Science.
Rethinking the science of plastic recycling In a recently published study in the journal ACS Central Science, the multi-institutional team, including Ames Laboratory scientists, reported a catalytic method for selectively converting discarded plastics into higher quality products, such as lubricant oils or waxes. In turn, the waxes can be processed into everyday products like detergents and cosmetics.
Advancing U.S. Battery Manufacturing and a Domestic Critical Minerals Supply Chains Affordable lithium-ion batteries have revolutionized the world by powering our mobile electronics and with the potential of electric vehicles, demand for batteries is expected to rapidly grow. As we look to the opportunity of domestic battery manufacturing as this market grows, one challenge for the United States is that the United States is not a large producer of minerals such as lithium, manganese, cobalt, or graphite—all important components of today’s lithium-ion batteries.
Akopov selected as ACS Inorganic Chemistry Young Investigator Ames Laboratory scientist Georgiy Akopov is one of eight young chemists selected by Inorganic Chemistry and the ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry as recipients of the Division’s 2019 Young Investigator Awards.