Condensed Matter Physics NMR Laboratory Equipment

9 Tesla field sweep-type Oxford Superconducting magnet with an OPhoto 1 CMP NMRxford Dilution Refrigerator

With a laboratory-built NMR spectrometer, this system is a capable of NMR measurements under the following  extreme conditions:

  • Magnetic field: H = 0-9 Tesla
  • NMR frequency: f = 5-500 MHz
  • Pressure: p = 0-2.2 GPa
  • Temperature: T = 0.02 -300 K



9 Tesla field sweep-type Oxford superconducting magnetPicture2 CMP NMR

Using this system controlled by a laboratory-built NMR spectrometer, NMR measurements can be performed under the following conditions:

  • Magnetic field: H = 0-9 Tesla
  • NMR frequency: f = 5-500 MHz
  • Pressure: p = 0-2.2 GPa
  • Temperature: T = 1.6-300 K



7.4 Tesla fixed field Oxford superconducting magnet with high picture3 CMP NMRtemperature cryostat

Using this system controlled by a laboratory-built NMR spectrometer, NMR measurements can be performed under the following conditions:

  • Magnetic field: H = 7.4  Tesla
  • NMR frequency: f = 5-500 MHz
  • Pressure: p = 0-2.2 GPa
  • Temperature: T = 4.2-650 K



1.5 Tesla Electromagnet with a low frequency NMR spectrometerPicture4 CMP NMR

Using this system controlled by a laboratory-built NMR spectrometer, NMR measurements can be performed under the following conditions:

  • Magnetic field: H = 0-1.5  Tesla
  • NMR frequency: f = 3.5-120 MHz
  • Temperature: T = 1.5-300 K




Yuji Furukawa