DOE: Reflections on 2024: FECM’s Year in Review

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management (FECM) reflects on 2024, including working with the Critial Materials Innovation Hub.

By any measure, 2024 was one of the most successful in the Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management’s (FECM’s) history. 

We made enormous progress toward addressing and reducing methane emissions in the oil and gas industry to meet our environmental responsibilities and ensure that U.S. natural gas can compete in a rapidly changing global marketplace.

Among examples of FECM investing in technologies to minimize the environmental and climate impacts of fossil fuel and industrial processes, noted that it announced $75 million to establish a Critical Materials Supply Chain Research Facility to support on-going government initiatives, such as the Critical Materials Collaborative and Critical Materials Innovation Hub, along with the overall DOE-wide critical mineral and material goals of diversifying and expanding supply, developing alternatives, improving efficiencies across the supply chain, and enabling a circular economy.

See the full story: Reflections on 2024: FECM's Year in Review