Members of the Center for the Advancement of Topological Semimetals (CATS) attended the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This year marks the 125th anniversary of the APS March Meeting. This event draws together more than 13,000 physicists from around the world to share their work, connect with others, and discover new advances in physics research. Attendees include undergraduate and graduate students, early career physicists, and seasoned professionals from industry, academia, and national laboratories.
“We had a great showing at the March meeting, with over 20 talks and six of those were invited talks. We got to hear CATS PI Ashvin Vishwanath give his 2024 APS Buckley Prize talk,” said Robert McQueeney, CATS Director. “As we do every year at the March meeting, CATS held a reception on Wednesday evening that was a well-attended and lively affair.”