The Ames Laboratory’s Powder Synthesis & Development Capability, lead by Dr. Iver Anderson, focuses on advanced powder making technologies, especially high-pressure gas atomization and centrifugal atomization for additive manufacturing and other powder processing methods. These capabilities are dedicated to expanding the use and application of metallic powders through understanding the fundamental characteristics of the powder synthesis process and scientific/metallurgical alloy development.
Powders are primarily produced via close-coupled gas atomization, in our experimental scale (2-5kg) and pilot scale (10-25kg) atomization systems. Capabilities also include design and testing of atomization dies, powder passivation methods.
Working With Us:
Ames Laboratory’s Powder Synthesis & Development Capability is restricted to producing custom powder metals which cannot be obtained in the specified quality or quantity from commercial suppliers. Physical property assessments of powder submitted to the facility, utilizing our analytical, metallographic and SIF capabilities, may also be conducted.
To submit an inquiry for powder production or powder assessment please fill out the online form found here.
Many basic general questions about the powder production process are addressed in our FAQ.