Doctor of Philosophy, Physics
1984: Cornell University
Specialization: Solid State Physics
Masters of Science, Physics
1982: Cornell University
Masters of Science, Physics
1978: Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Professional Appointments
Faculty appointments:
2010- Adjunct Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering; Physics & Astronomy
2004-2010 Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering
1993-2010: Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics
P&S appointments:
2019- present: Senior Scientist IV, Microelectronics Res Ctr. & Ames Laboratory
2013-19 present: Senior Scientist, Ames Laboratory & Microelectronics Res Ctr
1998-2012: Scientist, Ames Laboratory & Microelectronics Research Center
1989-1998: Associate Scientist, Ames Lab & Microelectronics Research Center
Exxon Research & Engineering Company
Annandale, New Jersey: 1986-1988; Consultant
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Murray Hill, New Jersey: 1984-1986
Postdoctoral Member of Technical Staff,
Solid State Electronics Laboratory
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
Palo Alto, California: 1983-84
Honors & Awards
• Lifetime Fellow, American Physical Society; For theoretical contributions to the dynamics of semiconductors, solar materials, and photonic crystals, (Elected November 2009)
• Senior Member, IEEE (Elected April 2015).
• Iowa State University P&S Research Award, 2011; To recognize staff members for excellence in research
Areas of Expertise
• Electronic properties of semiconductor materials with ab-initio simulations.. Molecular dynamics. Structure and light-induced properties of thin film semiconductor materials and quantum information materials.
• Architectures for neuromorphic computing utilizing two-dimensional semiconductor materials
• Design, fabrication and characterization of photonic band gap crystals. Plasmonic crystals
• Nanofabrication, nano-litholithography and surface tribocharge.
• Light management in inorganic and organic solar cell structures and modules.
Research Interests
-Electronic properties of nanomaterials with ab-initio simulations
-Fabrication and characterization of nanostructures, especially surface tribocharging
- Photonics and plasmonic crystals
- Thin film soilar cells and solar materials
- U.S. Patent 5,406,573. April 11, 1995, “Periodic dielectric structure for production of photonic band gap and method for fabricating the same” E. Ozbay, G. Tuttle, E. Michel, K.M. Ho, R. Biswas, C.T. Chan, and C.M. Soukoulis
- U.S. Patent 06339030. January, 2002 “Method for fabricating photonic band gap crystals using ceramic processing techniques” K. Constant, G. Subramania, R. Biswas, K.-M. Ho,
- U.S. Patent 6,593,894 July 15, 2003; “Highly directional Antennas using photonic band gap crystals” R. Biswas, E. Ozbay, B. Temelkuran, M. Sigalas, G. Tuttle, K.M. Ho: full patent filed 9/26/2001.
- U.S. Patent 8,361,545 B2, Jan 29, 2013, "Manufacturing Method of Photonic Crystal," In Sung Park, Tae Ho Lee, Jin Ho Ahn, K. Constant, R. Biswas, K. M. Ho, Jae-Hwang Lee. (Assignees: Hanyang University & Iowa State University.)
Chlorination of Hydrogenated Silicon Nanosheets Revealed by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy
Chemistry of Materials 35, 2, 539–548.,
Site-Specific Sodiation Mechanisms of Selenium in Microporous Carbon Host
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OLEDs on Planarized Light Outcoupling-Enhancing Structures in Plastic
Organic Electronics 111, 106648,,
Relativistic DFT Calculations of Cadmium and Selenium Solid-State NMR Spectra of CdSe Nanocrystal Surfaces
ACS Omega 8, 46, 44362–44371,,
Patterned OLEDs: Effect of Substrate Corrugation Pitch and Height
Physica Scripta 98, 115540 (2023),
Size control of Si nanocrystal with visible photoluminescence in a-Si:H/nc-Si:H multilayer structures
2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 0786-0788,
Simulation of enhanced light extraction from periodic, disordered and quasi-periodic OLED structures
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High light outcoupling efficiency from periodically corrugated OLEDs
ACS Omega 6, 13, 9291–9301,
Defects in SiC for quantum computing
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Visible photoluminescence in a-Si:H/nc-Si:H superlattices
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Spatial–temporal spectroscopy characterizations and electronic structure of methyl ammonium perovskites
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Replica molding-based nanopatterning of tribocharge on elastomer with application to electrohydrodynamic nanolithography
Nature Communications 9, 974,
Nanoscale Modulation of Friction and Triboelectrification via Surface Nanotexturing
ACS Nano Letters 19, 2, 850-856,
Enhanced Light Extraction from OLEDs fabricated on plastic substrates
Adv. Optical Materials 6 (4), 1701244,
Photoluminescence enhancement of CuInS2 quantum dots in solution coupled to plasmonic gold nanocup arrays
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Light management in perovskite solar cells and organic LEDs with microlens arrays
Optics Express 25 (9), 10704-10709,
Nano-photonic light trapping near the Lambertian limit in organic solar cell architectures
Optics Express 21, Iss. S5, pp. A841–A846,
Gallium nitride-based logpile photonic crystals for visible lighting
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Emission enhancement in nanowire arrays
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Extremely efficient indium-tin-oxide-free green phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes
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Monolithic fabrication of multi-color organic light emitting diodes by controlled MoO3 layers
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Nano-crystalline silicon solar cell architecture with absorption at the classical 4n2 limit
Optics Express, 19, A664-A672,,
Simulations of emission from micro-cavity tandem organic light emitting diodes
Journal of Photonics for Energy (JPE) 1, 011016,
Simulation and modeling of photonic and plasmonic crystal back reflectors for efficient light trapping
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A planar four-port channel drop filter in the 3-d woodpile photonic crystal
Optics Express 17, 6128-6133,,
Waveguide bends and circuits in three-dimensional photonic crystals
Photonics and Nanostructures 6, 208,,
Add-drop filters in 3-dimensional layer-by-layer photonic crystals using waveguides and resonant cavities
Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 231103,
Photonic gaps of conformally coated structures
J. Optical Society of America B 22, 2728,,
All metallic absolute photonic band gap three-dimensional photonic crystals for energy applications
Nature 417, 52 - 55,
Three-dimensional photonic band gaps in modified simple cubic lattices
Phys. Rev. B. 65, 205121,,
Structural characterization of thin film photonic crystals
Phys. Rev. B. 63, 235111,,
Guiding, bending, and splitting of electromagnetic waves in highly confined photonic crystal waveguides
Phys. Rev. B 63, 081107(R),
A complete three-dimensional photonic band gap in a simple cubic system
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Inverse face-centered cubic thin film photonic crystals
Advanced Materials 13, 443-446,
Photonic band gaps in three-dimensional metallic lattices
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Synthesis of thin film photonic crystals
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Photonic band gaps of porous solids
Physical Review B 61, 4549,,
Optical Photonic crystals fabricated from colloidal systems
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A Three-dimensional photonic crystal operating at infrared wavelengths
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