News & Highlights
A protein mines, sorts rare earths better than humans, paving way for green tech
Downstream separations of LIB metals in EC-bioleachate by ion exchange
Bioleaching of critical materials from LIB optimized with modeling
Techno-economic and life cycle assessments showed positive profit and environmental benefit potential from bioleaching of lithium-ion batteries
Science News: Recycling rare earth elements is hard. Science is trying to make it easier
David Reed at Idaho National Laboratory leads the CMI project "Sustainable biorecovery of critical elements from lithium ion batteries"
This project provides research and development of a novel method that maximizes value recovery from Lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Biological processes will be examined in laboratory settings for leaching and separation of metals from recyclable LIB materials and scaling. With collaborators, thermodynamic modeling will be conducted to optimize the process and techno-economic and life cycle analyses will be used to characterize the benefits of the process.