Note: This page has historical information about a previous effort, and is not being updated.
The University of California, Davis offers courses in several areas: course list
Chemical and Materials Science Engineering , Chemistry, Chemical Physics
Courses in Engineering: Chemical and Materials Science (ECM)
Lower Division
- 51. Material Balances (4) Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: Mathematics 21D with C- or better, and Mathematics 22A or concurrent. Application of the principle of conservation of mass to single and multicomponent systems in chemical process calculations. Studies of batch, semi-batch, and continuous processes involving mass transfer, change of phase, stoichiometry and chemical reaction. Not open for credit to students who have completed course 151. GE credit: SciEng | SE.—II. (II.)
- 157. Process Dynamics and Control (4) Lecture/discussion—4 hours. Prerequisite: course 140. Fundamentals of dynamics and modeling of chemical processes. Design and analysis of feedback control of chemical processes. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE.—I. (I.)
- 158B. Separations and Unit Operations (4) Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: course 158A. Senior design experience with multiple realistic constraints. Heuristic and rigorous design of chemical process equipment. Separation by filtration, distillation and extraction. Synthesis of reactor and separation networks, heat and power integration. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE.—II. (II.)
- 170. Introduction to Colloid and Surface Phenomena (3) Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: Chemistry 110A. Introduction to the behavior of surfaces and disperse systems. The fundamentals will be applied to the solution of practical problems in colloid science. The course should be of value to engineers, chemists, biologists, soil scientists, and related disciplines. GE credit: SciEng | SE.—III. (III.) Stroeve
- 9H. Honors Solid-State Materials Science (1) Discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: enrollment in the Materials Science and Engineering Honors Program; concurrent enrollment in Physics 9D required. Restricted to students in the Materials Science and Engineering Honors program. Examination of solid-state materials science and modern physics topics through additional readings, discussions, collaborative work, or special activities which may include projects, laboratory experience or computer simulations.
- 162. Structure and Characterization of Engineering Materials (4) Lecture—4 hours. Prerequisite: C- or better in each of the following: Engineering 45, Mathematics 22, Physics 9B. Description of the structure of engineering materials on the atomic scale by exploring the fundamentals of crystallography. The importance of this structure to materials’ properties. Description of experimental determination using x-ray diffraction techniques. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE.—II. (II.)
- 164. Rate Processes in Materials Science (4) Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 45, and course 160. Basic kinetic laws and the principles governing phase transformations. Applications in diffusion, oxidation, nucleation, growth and spinodal transformations. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE, SL, VL.—II. (II.)
- 170. Sustainable Energy Technologies: Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Photovoltaic Cells (4) Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: Engineering 45. Open to students in Engineering or related fields. Basic principles of future energy devices such as lithium batteries, fuel cells, and photovoltaic cells. Examines the current status of these energy technologies and analyze challenges that still must be overcome. Offered in alternate years. GE credit: SciEng | SE.—(II, IV.) Kim
- 172. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials (4) Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: Chemistry 110A or Physics 9D; Engineering 6 or Chemical and Materials Science 6 or equivalent (recommended). Electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of materials as related to structure and processing of solid state materials. Physical principles for understanding the properties of metals, semiconductors, ceramics, and amorphous solids and the applications of these materials in engineering. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE, SL, VL.—I. (I.)
- 180. Materials in Engineering Design (4) Lecture—3 hours; lecture/discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: C- or better in Engineering 45. Restricted to students with upper division standing. Quantitative treatment of materials selection for engineering applications. Discussion of design and material selection strategy; process and process selection strategy; process economics; life-cycle thinking and eco-design. Use of materials selection software. GE credit: SciEng, Wrt | OL, SE, SL, VL, WE.—III. (III.)
- 241. Principles and Applications of Dislocation Mechanics (4) Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. Prerequisite: graduate standing in Engineering; consent of instructor. Concepts in dislocation theory are applied to explain plasticity of crystalline solids. Glide and climb of dislocations, strain hardening, recrystallization, theories of creep processes and interaction of dislocation with solute atoms, precipitates and impurity clouds are discussed. Offered in alternate years.—(II.)
- 249. Mechanisms of Fatigue (3) Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 174 or consent of instructor; course 248 recommended. Microstructural description of the mechanisms of fatigue in metals. Topics include a phenomenological treatment of cyclic deformation, dislocation processes in cyclic deformation, fatigue crack nucleation, Stage I crack growth, threshold effects and high temperature cyclic deformation. Offered in alternate years.—(I.) Gibeling
Chemistry (CHE)
226. Principles of Transition Metal Chemistry (3) Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 124A or the equivalent. Electronic structures, bonding, and reactivity of transition metal compounds.—I. (I.)
Geology (GEL)
- 60. Earth Materials: Introduction (4) Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2A; Mathematics 16A or 21A; course 1 or 50, 50L. Physical and chemical properties of rocks, minerals and other earth materials; structure and composition of rock-forming minerals; formation of minerals by precipitation from silicate liquids and aqueous fluids and by solid state transformations. GE credit: SciEng | SE.—I. (I.) Day
- 30. Non-Renewable Natural Resources (3) Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: course 1. Origin, occurrence, and distribution of non-renewable resources, including metallic, nonmetallic, and energy-producing materials. Problems of discovery, production, and management. Estimations and limitations of reserves, and their sociological, political, and economic effects. Offered in alternate years. GE credit: SciEng | SE, SL.—I. (I.) Verosub
- 147. Geology of Ore Deposits (4) Lecture—3 hours; laboratory—3 hours; optional one-weekend field trip. Prerequisite: Chemistry 2C or Hydrologic Science 134, courses 60, 62, and 105. Tectonic, lithologic and geochemical setting of major metallic ore deposit types emphasizing ore deposit genesis, water/rock interaction and the environmental effects of mining. Offered in alternate years. GE credit: SciEng | QL, SE.—(III.) Zierenberg
- 235. Surface Processes (3) Seminar—3 hours. Prerequisite: courses 50, 50L, 139; Mathematics 21B or 16B recommended. Recent advances in the analysis of landforms and their evolution. Detailed investigation of the tools used to document surface processes. Evaluation of concepts and processes that govern landscape evolution. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.—(III.) Oskin
- 240. Geophysics of the Earth (3) Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: Earth Sciences and Resources 201, Physics 9B, Mathematics 22B. Physics of the earth’s crust, mantle, and core. Laplace’s equation and spherical harmonic expression of gravity and magnetic fields. Elastic wave equation in geologic media. Body and surface seismic waves. Equations of state, thermal structure of the earth. Offered in alternate years.—(II)