Modeling of the production of graphite from waste plastic CMI researchers from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Energy Technology Laboratory and University of Houston-Downtown conducted the activity for this highlight
Enhanced-pressure DME-driven fractional crystallization method and apparatus developed CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight
Lanmodulin enables single stage separation of dysprosium CMI researchers from Ames National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight
EC-Leach enhanced: kinetics, novel reactor design, and modeling CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight
Nuclear Energy-Water-Mineral Nexus CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the activity for this highlight
DME-driven fractional crystallization: 2023 R&D 100 Award CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory and Ames National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight.
Novel electrochemical method leaches Idaho cobalt concentrate CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight.
Development of a one-step magnet swarf bioleaching process CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight.
Life-Cycle Assessment of LIB leaching methods CMI researchers from Idaho National Laboratory and the University of Arizona conducted the research for this highlight.
Combining ADR and lanmodulin for Dy separation from E-waste CMI researchers from Ames National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory conducted the research for this highlight.