C&EN: Electronic waste is a gold mine waiting to be tapped. How can companies dig in? Article in Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) includes CMI leader Ikenna Nlebedim and research at Ames National Laboratory
LLNL: advancing rare earth biomining for a secure supply CMI research is featured in the Lawrence LIvermore National Laboratory publication
BloombergNEF: ‘Black Mass’ of Dead Batteries Best Recycled in Small Doses CMI Team member Momentum Technologies licensed the Membrane Solvent Extraction (MSX) technology, and discussed with Bloomberg NEF.
Iowa State University: A better way to (re)harvest rare-earth metals At CMI Team member Iowa State University, a researcher works on a better way to re(harvest) rare earth metals
New York Times: Rare Earth Metals May Be Lurking in Your Junk Drawer New York Times article on rare earths quotes CMI researcher David Reed, Idaho National Laboratory
ORNL: Revolutionizing resource renewal: Scaling up sustainable recycling for critical materials ORNL story about CMI researchers and their CMI technology
Green Car Congress: Caldera Holding licenses ORNL’s membrane solvent extraction technique to separate rare earth elements in mined ore Media pickup on Oak Ridge National Laboratory story about licensing CMI technology developed by CMI researchers.
ORNL: Owner of U.S. heavy rare earth mine licenses ORNL separation technology CMI technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has been licensed and is described in the ORNL story, "Owner of U.S. heavy rare earth mine licenses ORNL separation technology"
INL: Researchers with multiple R-and-D 100 Awards share their secrets CMI Team member Idaho National Laboratory story about INL researchers who have won multiple R&D 100 Awards includes several based on CMI research
Nature: Microbial miners take on rare-earth metals Nature story describes using microbes for rare earth separations, including CMI research with Team members Idaho National Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Penn State.